Pebble Shower Floor Pros and Cons – Complete Review

There’s a lot to love about pebble tile shower floors. They add a natural, rustic feel to any bathroom and are surprisingly easy to keep clean. However, there are also a few drawbacks to consider before installing a pebble shower floor. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of pebble shower floors.

Other Types of Shower Floor Tiles

There are many types of shower floor tiles to choose from. Porcelain and ceramic tiles are two of the most popular types. They are both durable and easy to clean. They are also both available in a wide variety of colors and styles.

Another popular type of shower floor tile is a marble. Marble is a natural stone and is available in a variety of colors and patterns. It is also durable and easy to clean. However, it is not as scratch resistant as porcelain or ceramic tiles.

Glass tiles are another popular option for shower floors. They are available in a variety of colors and styles. They are also durable and easy to clean. However, they can be slippery when wet.

One final option for shower floor tiles is vinyl. Vinyl tiles are available in a variety of colors and styles. They are also durable and easy to clean. However, they are not as scratch resistant as other types of tiles.

porcelain tiled shower floor

Pebble Shower Floor

When it comes to bathroom flooring, there are a few popular options to choose from, such as tile, vinyl, and concrete. But if you’re looking for a unique and stylish option, you might want to consider a pebble shower floor.

Pebble shower floors are made from small, flat stones that are laid out in a mosaic pattern. They are a popular choice for bathrooms because they are both stylish and functional. Here are some of the pros and cons of installing a pebble stone floor.

Benefits Of Pebble Shower Floor

When it comes to bathroom remodeling, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is what type of flooring to choose. There are a variety of materials to choose from, but if you’re looking for a durable, low-maintenance option, consider a pebble bathroom floor.

pebble shower floors are made from small, flat stones that are tightly packed together. This type of flooring is incredibly durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. It’s also easy to clean and doesn’t require a lot of maintenance.

If you’re considering a pebble shower floor for your bathroom remodel, here are some of the benefits you can expect:


A shower floor pebble tile is incredibly durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. If you have kids or pets, this type of flooring is a good option, because it’s virtually impossible to scratch or damage.

Low Maintenance

A pebble shower floor is easy to clean and doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. All you need is a quick sweep or a quick rinse with a hose to keep it looking clean and new.


A pebble shower floor can add a touch of elegance to any bathroom. The natural stone look is popular among homeowners and can enhance the overall appearance of your bathroom. pebble shower floors look great and they can really enhance the look of your bathroom. They can also help to create a more relaxing and spa-like atmosphere.

Thermal Mass

A pebble shower floor can also act as a thermal mass, which means it can help keep your bathroom warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This can be a major benefit, especially if your bathroom is located in a colder climate.

pebble floor big shower


A pebble shower floor is a good option for those who are looking for a safe and slip-resistant flooring option. The small stones are tightly packed together, which makes them less likely to cause a slip and fall accident.

Easy to Install

One of the main reasons why pebble shower floors have become so popular is because they are so easy to install. You can do it yourself on a weekend, and you don’t need any special skills or tools.

Disadvantages of the pebble shower floor

Pebble shower floors have become popular in recent years because of their natural look and feel. While they have many advantages, they also have a few disadvantages.

High maintenance

One of the disadvantages of using a pebble shower floor is that it requires more maintenance than other types of shower floors. The stones can become dirty and stained over time and require regular cleaning to keep them looking their best. Scrubbing the stones can also be a bit of a pain.

Standing water can cause mold and bacteria growth

Pebble shower floors are popular because of their sleek and modern look, but they are also prone to mold and bacteria growth. This is because the grout lines between the stones are difficult to clean and can harbor moisture and organic material. Bacteria and mold can grow in the grout lines and can cause health problems for people who are exposed to them. pebble shower floors should only be used in areas where they can be easily cleaned and maintained, and people with allergies or asthma should avoid them.

It May hurt your feet

If you are not careful, walking on a pebble shower floor can be a bit hazardous. The stones can be quite sharp and can easily hurt your feet. You will need to be careful when stepping on and off the shower floor. The pebble shower floor is made up of small stones or pebbles. When you walk on it, your feet can easily become sore and tired. This is because the stones can be quite sharp and they can also be quite hard. If you are someone who likes to take long showers, you may find that your feet start to hurt after a while.

Not suitable with hard water

pebble shower floors look beautiful and can be a great addition to your bathroom, but they are not suitable for homes with hard water. The reason for this is that the hard water can cause the pebbles to become stained and discolored over time. The minerals in the hard water can also cause the pebbles to become brittle and cracked, which can lead to leaks and water damage.

If you have hard water and are considering a pebble shower floor, be sure to consider the long-term effects of using this type of flooring. Hard water can cause a lot of damage to your flooring over time, so it is important to choose a flooring option that is compatible with the type of water you have in your home.

How to install a pebble shower floor?

A pebble shower floor installation may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and instructions, it can be a relatively easy project. The first step is to remove the old flooring and prep the surface. Next, you will need to choose the right pebbles and adhesive. Finally, you will need to install the pebbles and seal the surface. Follow these steps to install a pebble shower floor:

  1. Remove the old flooring. If the old flooring is tile, you will need to use a chisel and hammer to break it up. If the flooring is vinyl or linoleum, you can use a utility knife to cut it into small pieces. Be sure to wear safety goggles and gloves while doing this.
  2. Prep the surface. The surface should be clean and free of any debris or dust. If the surface is uneven, you will need to use a leveling compound to level it out.
  3. Choose the right pebbles. You will need to choose pebbles that are the same size and shape. You can buy pebbles at a home improvement store or online.
  4. Apply the adhesive. You will need to use a tile adhesive to attach the pebbles to the surface. Be sure to read the instructions on the adhesive to make sure you are using it correctly.
  5. Install the pebbles. Use a trowel to apply the adhesive to the surface. Then, place the pebbles in the desired location. Be sure to press them firmly into the adhesive.
  6. Seal the surface. Once the adhesive has dried, you will need to seal the surface with a sealant. This will protect the pebbles from getting wet and will keep them from fading over time.

flat pebble shower floor


What are the pros and cons of a pebble shower floor?

The pros of a pebble shower floor are that it is visually appealing, provides good traction, and is easy to clean. The cons of a pebble shower floor are that it can be difficult to install, and it can be expensive.

How difficult is it to install a pebble shower floor?

It can be difficult to install a pebble shower floor, as it requires a lot of precise work.

How expensive is a pebble shower floor?

A pebble shower floor can be expensive, as it requires a lot of materials.

How easy is it to clean a pebble shower floor?

It is easy to clean a pebble shower floor, as all you need to do is sweep it or hose it down.


Pebble shower floors are made from small, flat stones that are usually about 1-2 inches in size. They can be installed in a variety of ways, including on top of a concrete slab or over a preexisting floor. One of the main benefits of a pebble shower floor is that they are incredibly durable and easy to clean. They also add a natural, rustic feel to any bathroom.

However, there are a few drawbacks to consider before installing a pebble shower floor. First, they can be quite slippery when wet, so it’s important to use a non-slip surface when installing them. Second, they can be quite expensive, depending on the type of stone you choose. Finally, they can be difficult to install if you’re not familiar with carpentry or stone installation.

Overall, pebble shower floors are a great option for any bathroom. They are durable, easy to clean and add a natural, rustic feel to any space. However, be sure to consider the pros and cons before installing them in your home.

Gerald Carpenter

My name is Gerald Carpenter and I am a professional plumber in the third generation. My father was a plumber, my grandfather was a plumber. I wish I had records on my other ancestors.

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