How to Clean Toilet Siphon Jet? – Step-By-Step DIY Guide

The siphon jet is located under the rim of the toilet and is responsible for the powerful flush of water that cleans the bowl. Over time, this jet can become clogged with dirt, mineral deposits, and even bacteria. This can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the flush and can even become a health hazard.

Luckily, toilet siphon cleaning is a fairly simple process.

How to Fix a Toilet Siphon Jet Clogged

Cleaning a toilet siphon jet is a relatively simple process that can be done with a few household supplies:

  1. First, shut off the water supply to the toilet tank.
  2. Then, flush the toilet to drain the water from the tank and bowl.
  3. Use a sponge or towel to soak up any remaining water.
  4. Next, pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet tank and bowl.
  5. Then, use a toilet brush to scrape the jets and remove any clogs.
  6. After the jets are clear, add a cup of baking soda to the bowl. This will help to break down any remaining debris and clean the siphon jet.
  7. Finally, turn on the water supply and flush the toilet to rinse away the baking soda and vinegar.

If the toilet is still not flushing properly, repeat the process until the siphon jet is completely clear.

In this article, you’ll learn how to clean a toilet siphon jet.

What is a Toilet Siphon Jet?

These days, toilets are designed with a siphon jet in order to increase the pressure of the flush. This is a small pocket that is located in the front of the toilet and it is filled with water.

When the toilet is flushed, the vacuum action will cause the water to be pulled out of this pocket and into the trapway. This can help improve the overall efficiency of the flush.

Signs of a Clogged Jet Hole in Toilet

When the toilet siphon jet becomes clogged, the most obvious sign is that the toilet doesn’t flush properly. The water in the tank may take a long time to empty into the bowl, or the bowl may not fill up enough for a proper flush.

In addition, the water flow from the siphon jet may become sluggish or even stop altogether.

If the toilet bowl siphon jet hole is clogged with calcium deposits, the water flow may become vertical instead of the usual diagonal.

Another potential sign of a clogged toilet siphon jet is an increase in bacterial growth inside the toilet. This is because the clog can cause the water to flow more slowly, giving bacteria more time to grow.

A toilet that is used infrequently is more likely to have a clogged siphon jet, as the deposits have more time to build up.

The Tools and Materials You Need

You will need the following tools and materials to clean your toilet siphon jet effectively:

  • a bottle of distilled white vinegar;
  • a toilet brush with stiff nylon bristles;
  • a box of baking soda, a pair of hand gloves;
  • a piece of wire.

You may also need bleach or detergent, depending on the severity of the clog.

Cleaning A Toilet Siphon Jet

If your toilet jets seem to be losing water pressure or starting to become clogged with mineral deposits, you need to clean them. Below is a more detailed description of how to do this.

How to clean toilet jets of mineral deposits

If your toilet jets are starting to get clogged with mineral deposits, there are a few ways you can clean them. White vinegar can be a good cleaner for cleaning toilet rim jets.

Heat the vinegar

To clean the jets with vinegar, first, heat 1 cup of vinegar on the stove until it is hot, but not boiling. Then pour the vinegar into a measuring cup or any other container that is easy to pour.

Pour the vinegar into the overflow tube

Start by taking the lid off the tank of your toilet. The overflow tube will be a large cylindrical tube with an open top. Usually, there is a smaller tube inside the top of the overflow tube. To pour the vinegar into the overflow tube, remove the smaller tube from the top of the larger tube.

Pour the vinegar into the overflow tube and let it sit for about 30 minutes. This will allow the vinegar to work its way down into the clean toilet siphons and eventually into the toilet bowl.

The vinegar will help to break down any mineral or calcium buildup in the toilet rim hole. Flush the toilet to complete the cleaning process.

Cleaning the siphonic jet

Cleaning the siphon jets is a fairly simple task that can be done with just a few tools. You will need an Allen wrench, a hand mirror, and something to scrape off mineral deposits or bacteria.

First, disconnect the water line from the jet. Using an Allen wrench, manually clean the water jet hole to free it of mineral deposits and bacteria. If you don’t have an Allen wrench, you can bend a piece of steel wire.

Hold the hand mirror in one hand so you can see the nozzle and scrape away the deposits. You should be able to see how the scum separates in the cleaning process. While scraping, flush the toilet periodically, which will remove some of the scum you have loosened.

If you have trouble cleaning the jets, try using a larger or smaller Allen wrench. The smaller wrench will allow you to be more precise, and the larger one will cover a larger surface area.

Cleaning the toilet bowl

Toilet cleaning is an important step in ensuring that your toilet bowl is properly sanitized. Using toilet bowl cleaner, hydrochloric acid or vinegar, and baking soda can help remove any deposits that may have accumulated on the bowl or rim.

Clean the toilet bowl with a toilet brush to loosen and remove any debris that may have accumulated.

Finally, wipe the toilet seat and flush the valve with a paper towel to remove any residual cleaner or debris.

Cleaning a toilet siphon of bacteria

Cleaning a toilet siphon is important to do periodically in order to maintain a clean and bacteria-free environment. The siphon is located under the toilet bowl rim and is responsible for drawing water into the bowl when the toilet is flushed.

Over time, bacteria can build up in the siphon, making it a breeding ground for germs and illness.

Follow these steps to clean the toilet siphon:

  1. First, remove the cistern lid, then flush the toilet water.
  2. Pour a cup of bleach into the tank and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then, flush the toilet.
  3. Use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the bowl, including the siphon, to remove any bacteria.
  4. Next, use a wire or other sharp object to scrape away any bacteria build-up from the siphon.
  5. Once the build-up has been removed, clean the area with a disinfectant or bleach solution.
  6. Finally, flush the toilet again to rinse away any leftover cleaner and bacteria.

By taking the time to clean your toilet siphon, you can help prevent the spread of illness and keep your bathroom clean and healthy.

How to Keep Toilet Siphon Jets Clean?

Toilet Siphon Jets Clean

If you want to keep your toilet siphon jets clean, there are several things you can do:

  • First, make sure your toilet tank is always clean. Most of the dirt that gets into the siphon jets comes from the tank, so keeping it clean is extremely important.
  • Second, if you live in an area with hard water, consider installing a water softener. This will reduce the minerals in the water that can build up and cause problems.
  • Finally, don’t forget to use the toilet regularly. Regular flushing will help keep the bowl clean.

You can also pour white vinegar into the bowl from time to time to remove and prevent mineral deposits.


Do all Toilets have Siphon Jets?

Most toilets have rim jets, which are small holes in the rim of the bowl that shoot water into the bowl during the flush. However, not all toilets have siphon jets. Siphon jets are located at the bottom of the bowl and help to create a siphoning effect that helps to remove waste from the bowl more effectively.

Why is the siphon jet bubbling?

There few reasons that the siphon jet might be bubbling.

One reason is that if the holes in the jet are blocked, the air in the internal water ducts of the toilet bowl can get into the siphon jet, which causes bubbles to appear.

Another reason why the siphon jet may be bubbling is that the water in the bowl is at the wrong level. If the water level is too low, it can cause bubbles to form in the siphon jet.

What is the easiest and most comfortable way to clean the toilet siphon jet?

One way to clean the toilet siphon jet is to use a toilet brush. Insert the toilet brush into the siphon jet and scrub it vigorously to remove any build-up.

Another way to clean the toilet siphon jet is to use a vinegar solution. Pour 1 gallon of pure vinegar into the tank and leave it for 24 hours. The vinegar will flow from the tank into the siphon and thoroughly clean it.

How does the toilet siphon work?

The toilet siphon is a simple but effective way of flushing a toilet. It works by using the force of gravity to pull the water down through the siphon tube and into the bowl. This then allows the bowl to fill up with water, which creates a seal that prevents the water from being siphoned back out. When the handle is pressed, the water is forced out of the bowl and down the drain.

Why is my siphon not working?

If the siphon does not work, it may be due to an air leak in the tube. This prevents the siphon from starting. To fix this, try using a different tube. Place one side of the tube in the upper container, draw water in, and place the other side of the tube in the lower container.

Bottom Line

Cleaning your toilet siphon jet is an important part of keeping your toilet clean. This small, often overlooked component is responsible for moving water from the cistern to the bowl, and if it becomes clogged, it can lead to big problems.

Clogged jets can lead to overflowing, water getting on the floor, and even an unpleasant odor.

Have you had any problems with the toilet siphon jet? How did you deal with the clog? Share your experiences in the comments.

Gerald Carpenter

My name is Gerald Carpenter and I am a professional plumber in the third generation. My father was a plumber, my grandfather was a plumber. I wish I had records on my other ancestors.

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