Black Mold in Toilet – Is It Dangerous and How to Remove It?

The best way to get rid of the mold is to prevent it as it grows quickly, and the bigger it grows, the more difficult it becomes to clear. Like any type of mold, this one can cause different symptoms of allergy such as a stuffy nose, red or itchy eyes, skin rash, etc.

Why is black mold growing in my toilet?
If you have noticed black mold growing in your toilet, you should take action to clean it and remove the mold as soon as possible. There are a few reasons why black mold might be growing in your toilet. The toilet bowl is often humid and dark, which makes it a perfect environment for mold to grow. If you’ve been away and the toilet hasn’t been used in a while, mold is likely to have started growing. Leaving waste in the toilet bowl for a prolonged period of time can also cause mold to grow. If you notice black mold growing in your toilet, you should take action to clean it and remove the mold as soon as possible.

People who are prone to allergies or asthma may have more intense reactions like fever or shortened breath. Black mold in the bathroom is a common issue, and if you have already noticed black stuff growing in the toilet, we will see how to remove them in this article.

Short Guide on How to Remove Black Mold in the Toilet

  1. Wear rubber gloves and a face mask to protect skin and airways. If you have allergies, you might want to use eye protection.
  2. Turn off the water supply, flush, then drain the bowl as much as possible.
  3. Pour a cup of vinegar into the bowl, and pour baking soda over it.
  4. Leave the toilet with the lid closed for an hour or more.
  5. Take a bush of non-abrasive material and scrub the bowl. Try to reach under the rim.
  6. Flush and repeat if you still see the mold.

What is Black Mold in Your Toilet

Despite the popular name, there is no such type of mold as the black one, although there is a number of black-colored molds in nature. In our homes, we can find a few different types of molds, such as Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus while the name “black mold” only refers to any kind of mold (or molds) that you find at home.

Black Mold in Toilet

Sometimes it is called toxic black mold but there is no evidence it can damage health more than any other type. It definitely can emphasize health problems, but rarely creates new ones. So-called black mold is a fungus that is a common issue in spaces with poor ventilation and high humidity.

A bathroom is a moldy environment by definition: it is never dry, it usually has no natural light and no fresh air. Mold is a type of fungus that can live on various surfaces if they are constantly wet, it is also “attracted” by stagnant water.

There is always some mold in the air, the question is where its spores can root and flourish. A toilet that’s always wet with a tank and siphon full of water is the most common starting point, especially if the porcelain has cracks or the joints are not waterproof.

What Causes Black Mold in Your Toilet

The bathroom is deservedly perceived as a too personal space for having windows, even small ones. However, this tradition leads to an unhealthy climate inside that makes you pay more attention to the factors I name below. We tend to think mold is primarily a bathroom problem, but all of them can be applied to any indoor space, so be careful.

  • The major condition that provokes mold is enormous humidity. This room is never completely dry, and there are always wet surfaces and slits where mold can settle. There also could be cracks in the ceramic of your toilet, which give black mold a place to stick, grow and flourish.
  • Stagnant water is also a potential source of mold. The best example is a toilet tank that usually is affected by mold in two cases: there is a leak, and one of the joints is no longer hermetic, or you flush seldom and let black stuff in the toilet tank grow peacefully. What causes mold in the toilet bowl? The fungus may spread on the bowl from the tank or start from under the rim.
  • Proper ventilation helps to prevent mold as it lets fresh air inside and removes the spores. It also might regulate the temperature inside the bathroom.

You can have a perfectly clean bathroom and still notice mold one day. How did it happen? The fault is in the pipes, there is not much you can do in this case.

Where Does the Toilet Mold Form

As we already know, mold grows in closed spaces with a lot of moisture and a lack of ventilation and natural light. You might find mold on leaking roofs, loose windows, pipes, or in water-damaged buildings. Wrong heating settings may also cause black mold. The bathroom is the perfect place to grow the mold: it is wet, it rarely has natural light, and there is no air circulation.

In such conditions, it is easy for mold spores to take root in any dark wet crack and thrive. There are two things that can boost black mold’s growth in the bathroom: leaking details and pipes or stagnant water. The first case usually happens in permanent homes, while the second concerns place visited from time to time.

If you flush regularly but still found the black mold in the toilet tank, check it for leaks. Mold can start from the joints that are supposed to be dry, a tank-bowl connection for example. The leaks might also cause black growth in the toilet bowl.

You might notice a narrow jet constantly trickling from the tank, check if the toilet is fixed to the floor properly, are there any gaps, and if this joint is sealed. However, sometimes mold just comes from the water supply system, and all you can do is pay more attention to the cleanness of the bathroom, ventilation, and temperature.

How to clean mold from the toilet bowl

Black mold sounds scary and looks disgusting, but you still can easily remove it. Toilets are made of glazed porcelain: this material doesn’t allow mold to root deep. Here are a few ways to get rid of black mold in your bathroom and rules on how to do it safely for your airways and not to damage the porcelain.

First of all, never use bleach or pumice stone, they damaged the porcelain. This means destroying the coating and only making the toilet more vulnerable to mold. As the result, you get nothing but a perspective to replace the whole toilet. Secondly, don’t disregard your own safety, wear mask and rubber gloves. You might also use eye protection if you notice or expect allergic symptoms.

Stop the water supply, empty the toilet tank, drain as much water from the bowl as possible and choose one of the following manuals.

  • A mixture of vinegar and baking soda is a traditional homemade recipe for cleaning the bathroom. Pour one cup of vinegar into the bowl and sprinkle baking soda over it, making sure it reached mold under the rim. Leave the toilet for an hour or more with the lid closed, then scrub it with a soft brush and flush. You might need to do it several times if the mold grew too wide.
  • A universal method that fits not only porcelain but many other surfaces is a handheld steam cleaner. Connect angle nozzle attachment to the steam cleaner, and treat the bowl with steam, paying attention to the rim. There is no need to scrub after you finish, just flush and repeat the process if you see the rest of the mold.

FAQ About the Black Mold

Why does my toilet bowl get moldy?

You can find mold in humid rooms with weak ventilation and lack of daylight. There are always bits of mold spores in the air, they settle indoors in gaps, cracks, and surfaces that are constantly wet, like a toilet bowl. Mold may also be a result of the leak. Pay attention to the condition of the tank, check if all the joints are hermetic, or are there ane cracks in the porcelain.

Can diabetes cause mold in the toilet?

For now, there is no scientific evidence that mold in the toilet is an undeniable sign of diabetes. However, this suggestion has a basis and this is why. The urine of the person who has diabetes may have a high level of sugar, and mold in turn can use sugars as a food source. Mold in the toilet bowl does not necessarily mean you have diabetes, but if you notice other symptoms, consider visiting a doctor.

What happens when you put vinegar in your toilet?

Vinegar is a common natural cleaning product that is usually used to clean various surfaces at home. To make vinegar, clean the porcelain, dry the bowl, pour it inside, and cover with baking soda. This mixture makes it much easier to remove the mold if you leave it at least for an hour.

The Main Rule for Removing Black Mold

Black mold is definitely a thing no one wants to see in their bathrooms. It rarely damages one’s health but you still try to avoid it and hold your breath unconsciously. However, “dangerous” black mold in toilets usually damages health no more than any other type of mold, for people with asthma or allergies it may cause high temperature and shortened breath.

Mold in the bathroom is a frequent problem, that is caused by high humidity, lack of fresh air, and high temperature. Leaks in plumbing also make the bathroom more attractive to fungus.

There are a lot of ways to get rid of it including homemade remedies and chemical products, but the main thing about removing mold is to understand why it appears in your bathroom and eliminate the causes. Which type of products do you prefer and why do you think you got mold in the bathroom? Please, share in the comments.

Gerald Carpenter

My name is Gerald Carpenter and I am a professional plumber in the third generation. My father was a plumber, my grandfather was a plumber. I wish I had records on my other ancestors.

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